Mind Art Project

Mind Art Project by Dufo

What is this project?

When I’m dreaming or meditate in a deep state of mind, there are few images emerging from my unconscious mind. I’ve started to draw those images. Some of the first illustrations that I drew are related to my friends. Many of them find a personal meaning in those illustrations. I found this experiment exciting, so, I want to explore with other people if they could connect to this form of art.

See gallery

Do you want to participate?

It’s easy :

  1. Write me an email (map "at" dufo "dot" ca), I need your first name and a picture of you. In few words, tell me why you would like to participate.
  2. In following days, I will clear my thought and put myself in a state of deep meditation. I will focus my attention on you and I will let flow the images out.
  3. After that I will draw what I see.
  4. I will post the images on my website and my Instagram project account.
  5. Write me back to give me your feeling about the illustration.
  6. Note: Your participation will be kept confidential.
Remaining participation
To participate :

Important notice!


This is a personal exploration project, and I don’t want any kind of pressure.
Please note :

  • It’s possible that I don’t draw your submission. Don’t feel hurt about this situation. If I have many requests, it’s possible that I drew only the strongest image that came out of my mind.
  • I don’t want to be paid for my drawing. Maybe later I could open commission, but that’s not the current case. I keep all the original drawings for me, maybe I could publish a book eventually.
  • Feel free to share my images on Instagram or anywhere else, please link to my account @dufo.map or my website www.dufo.ca

Photo Dufo   Dufo

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